04 Nov Exciting News! Eastern Fish is Joining the Mexican Shrimp Council
At Eastern Fish, we believe that our strong ethical basis is the key to our success. Not only do we work hard to earn our clients’ trust and do everything we can to support their business, but we also do our best to make sure all of our seafood is ethically-sourced. That’s why we are proud to announce our membership in the new Mexican Shrimp Council.
Here is a quick breakdown of what the Mexican Shrimp Council is, what their mission is, and why Eastern Fish is joining them.
What is the Mexican Shrimp Council?
The Mexican Shrimp Council is a passionate group of American and Mexican fishing and distribution companies that are looking to revolutionize shrimp fishing in the Gulf of California.
As it currently exists, the shrimping industry in Mexico makes use of nets called drift gillnets. These nets are extremely effective at catching only large shrimp and can be very effective and help promote sustainability of the shrimp resource. However, they have become controversial in recent years as many blame them for harming the endangered Vaquita Porpoise in the Upper Gulf of California. Their use in the natural range of the “vaquita” has been banned by the Mexican government for the past 4 years.
To help protect this species of porpoise, the Mexican Shrimp Council has declared that they will not support fishing companies and organizations that continue to use drift gillnets in the Upper Gulf of California and will no longer buy any more products from them unless they switch to more environmentally-friendly methods. Furthermore, the Mexican Shrimp Council Members have signed a Code of Conduct pledging to only catch, buy and market shrimp that is legally caught and has the documentation to prove it.
Why is Eastern Fish Joining Them?
We at Eastern Fish believe that a delicious seafood meal begins with a healthy ecosystem, and this can only be ensured by protecting endangered aquatic species. We are always finding new ways to improve our methods and continue to deliver consistent, quality catches to our customers while limiting our impact on natural habitats.
By working with our fellow suppliers and importers, we believe we can reduce the need for these products and phase out these unethical and illegitimate catching practices.
If you want to make sure that your seafood is ethically-sourced and follows the guidelines of the top seafood companies, give our team a call today at 1-800-526-9066 or visit us online and see how our supplies are some of the tastiest and most environmentally-friendly stocks around.